Thursday 13 December 2012

Merry 16-Bitmas!

Hello and good afternoon to you all!!!

I'm not really sure why people consider the 13th to be an unlucky date, or indeed why 13 is supposedly an unlucky number. I'll put it down to the fact that most people are scared of maths and therefore odd numbers can be intimidating!

One of the first things I saw ont'interwebs this morning on was Mike Matei's review of the rather wonderful indie game 'FEZ', (clicky here to watch it). This put me in a reminiscent mood, so I decided to make today's doodle in a 16-bit style to reflect the air of nostalgic glee I experienced as a result of watching the review, and playing the game afterwards!

A lot of us grew up staring at this art style for hours on end until it gave us a headache. Whilst the billion dollar HD games of today to provide an amazing source of A-Class entertainment. There will always be a large place in my heart for The Sega Megadrive/ SNES era of video games! If you are down with this too, blow the dust of your cartridges, stick em into the game slot and flick that power switch, then leave me some comments in the section below this post on what your favourite games were from that time! All in the name of fun!

I'm tired now so I'm going to sleep, makes sense dunnit!

Have a super night everyone!!!


  1. I must finish Fez. What else was good of recent times (played it on PSP but it's available on XBL) was Half Minute Hero - sends up every JRPG ever made. You have 30 seconds to save the world etc. It's ace

  2. That sounds amazing! I remember seeing a good video review of it on IGN!

    I had an absolute blast playing a game called "Henry Hatsworth in the Puzzling Adventure" on the DS. Brilliant side scroller/puzzler, an interesting twist on the 2d platformer genre. You play a British explorer who transforms into a giant ninja robot when you drink tea! Superb game, easily one of my favourite on the DS!


I bloomin' love looking at your comments, please go ahead and leave me something to read and chortle over!