Wednesday 6 February 2013

Claws on a blackboard

How are y'all doin today?

I'm feeling pretty awful thanks to the hoards of winter lurg zombies caughing in my general direction whilst travelling on a train last Saturday. Thanks go out to the kind, kind folks of West Yorkshire, some of whom do not feel the need to put a hand over their mouth whilst coughing... -_-

Although, the lack of sleep which results from crazy illness hallucinations, has inspired me to do some more experimentation. This time with various brush effects in both Illustrator and Photoshop. And the above cutie is the result of said crazy inspiration! For all of you out there who grew up having to decipher text, diagrams, and graphs written in chalk on a blackboard, this is for you! And if you were fortunate enough to be born into a generation of white boards, and digital screens, yeah you can be a part of this too, just ask your parents/ grandparents/ ungle Google.

Right, I need to go and inhale some vicks for a while. So until next time! Keep your board rubber handy! And don't get caught typing 5318008 into your scientific calculators!


  1. Not only was I lucky enough to be taught on simple blackboards, majority of our classrooms had the ones that took up entire walls and rollered around (if that makes sense...) Many a time fun was had by writing rude things and doodles on the board for the next lessons unsuspectin teacher as they pulled the board down to reveal the artwork... Hehe

  2. Actually I grew up having to endure the wrath (and damn near invisible writing) of rolling blackboards. My music teacher had one at middle school, she insisted on trying to teach us the 'beat value' of musical notation by drawing odd little characters made of musical notes. You've gotta worry about people who make a profession out of doodling...oh wait..


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