Monday, 10 December 2012

The less you know...

Happy Monday...if err such a thing is possible... I like to think it is!

As per usual I will be off to college tonight to learn more brain enhancing web CSS and JavaScript goodness! So not much time for anything particularly complex!

Instead I decided to create a visual representation of what happened to me this morning. Make of it what you will! All I can say is, "Lesson learned, don't ever trash-talk a spider, it always has bigger mates just around the corner."

So goodnight to you all, from a slightly less brave me!

Oh and one more thing, it may have made me jump higher than a cat on a trampoline, but I removed said large arachnid and it's smaller friend humanely. Though the little (not always) sods make me panic like a petrified guppy in a piranha pond, it is no reason to go around stomping em'!

Something festive tomorrow! Woo!!

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