Tuesday, 11 December 2012

Good day to you!

No I'm not spouting noises for any particular reason, just didn't know how else to describe today!

I suppose if I had to use one word it would be... wrapping!!!

Yup, with the big Chrimbolio just around the corner things are starting to get AWESOME! It keeps snowing in Yorkshire! And how can that be a bad thing? (I guess it's not too good for the roads and or road users), but it sure does look purty!!!

Right, today I decided to play with some type effects, this is my first attempt at anything even remotely like this so don't judge too harshly! Lord Escargot just came along to say hi for the heck of it, and why not?

Got a lot of things to do, including cooking a mighty tasty spag-bol, so I will skedaddle for now and let you get on with your evenings!

Take care everyone!!!


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