Friday, 5 April 2013

Mr Bean! (No not that one!)

Mr Bean (Not the Rowan Atkinson one), a very classy coffee bean indeed!

This morning I decided to write a poem, it went like this:

Forever shall I be in awe,

When dark recedes from new-days shore,
What titillates olfaction pure?
'Tis from the morning ground.

Such heaven in the lavish sound,
As downpour freshens earthen mound,
Each drop upon its great rebound...
Makes King of mornings aptly crowned!

 I asked my friends and family on Facebook to see if they could guess what I was on about.
My mum answered correctly, and so for no apparent reason, I decided to go and draw a classy coffee bean as a gesture of my appreciation for those who took the time to read my work!

Once again, thank you all very much! You make me feel rather wonderful!

I've had a lot of work to do recently which is why I haven't been doodling much, but I hope to rectify this as I will soon be starting to write a book (which is a children's book and therefore mainly made up of pictures).

For now, i bid thee farewell, and I hope that you all have the BEST of weekends!

Caffeine infused wishes,
Your pal Nick!

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