Sunday, 13 January 2013

Bird on a wire

It's snowing again! It's... stopped...aww c'mon!!!

Well, blimey! One of the things that got me excited about moving up 'ere t' Yorkshire, was the premise that the county generally receives a lot of snow compared to the lower lands of the UK... so where is it? I don't know if weather systems are able to access the internet, or read, but if they can...I'm disappointed...

Here's hoping for more tonight so we can wake up, build a snowman (and a snow-dog)  and generally act like excited 8(+20) year olds!

Today's doodle comes courtesy of the lonely bird that was sat on top of a telephone wire in our street when we came back from shopping today. It looked very similar to this scene, apart from with a few more colours and much smaller snow flakes. I felt sorry for the feathery fellar, he was singing loudly in the cold snowfall, and no other bird was around to answer, so I felt like immortalising this rare beautiful and slightly solemn moment in the shape of a doodle. I hope he finds his friends soon!

Enjoy your evenings! Eat well, watch a cheesy movie, and most importantly snuggle up warm. Oh and if you are now developing a sense of karmic duty, put some food out for the birdies, they always appreciate it!

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