Thursday, 22 November 2012

Tweet Tweet! (But not the hashtag kind)

She needs a name!

It's Thursday! My favourite day of the working week!
Friday has its highs, but what can be better than that near end of week "it's Friday tomorrow" feeling!

I decided to do something a little different today, so using a combination of vector graphics in Adobe Illustrator, and the amazing layer effects available in Photoshop, I made this here wee birdy!

She is an experiment of styles, and if anyone can think of a good name for her please let me know in the comments section below or on my facebook wall, or if you are feeling like doing it the most ironic way, go for twitter. Please be nice though, she won't suit names like Snotbeak or Poo-wings!

Enjoy your Thursday evening everyone!
And remember...FRIDAY TOMORROW!!!

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