Friday, 14 June 2013


A space invader character, revamped with shiny textures and a colourful spacey background
Click the pic to BIGGIFY it!


An INVADER! Possibly from space?

With a rather exciting E3 coming to a close, and some amazing announcements having been made, I decided to draw something based on one of my favourite activities...YES!!! Playing video games!!!

Well I've been meaning to draw one of these for a while now, was just trying to think of a way of doing it and making it interesting, and watching videos of next gen gorgeousness this week inspired me to revamp this classic anti hero character!

Using adobe Illustrator, firstly I created a flat vector image by drawing out large solid coloured squares (over-sized pixels), and created the classic Space Invader shape. Then using the 3D bevel tools I turned the flat object into a 3D Vector shape.

I transferred this over to Photoshop where I applied all sorts of texture magic and lighting effects. And here you have it!

I love video games, I grew up with them and they continue to be an inventive and artistic influence on my life.

Right! Have a great weekend everyone!
Peace Love And Pixels
Your friendly neighbourhood DoodleNick!

Monday, 3 June 2013

Trees Bear Fruit

A large tree bearing fruit, of quit literally, bears. A Black bear, a grizzly bear, and a polar bear.
Click the pic to BIGGIFY it

Albeit 3 days into the month!!!

And regardless of the fact that solstice isn't until the 21st I am officially declaring British Summer time!!!
(Basically because we've had a few days of sun and I don't expect it to last).

Today sees the launch of a little series of doodles, based around the theme of "Phrases I misunderstood when I was a kid".

Yeah, we've all had a few, quite often an adult says something which they think is perfectly normal, and your amazing little brain conjured up entirely the wrong images to put to the words. So I decided to share some of the better (sillier) ones with you!

On that note, I have to go to college now and be a mature student (learn more technical and advanced ways of making my daft creations come to life).

Peace love and pixels to you all folks!
(and *bear with me on that big announcement still to come)
*Pun intended